Welcome to the Love Energetics

1:1 Coaching Experience!


Do you feel like dating is hard? That for some reason, you’re just unlucky when it comes to love?

What if I told you that it was possible to do a complete 1:1 in your dating life, and become one of those girls that IS lucky in love?


I know first hand what it feels like to feel repeatedly disappointed during the dating process, completely baffled as to why you can’t find a good guy that you actually like, or the stomach-sinking feeling when the guy you thought things were progressing with doesn’t end up working out.  I almost got to the point of believing I’d have to settle in love - that it wasn’t going to be possible to find my actual dream guy and live the passionate relationship I had always envisioned for myself.

That all changed for me in 2021 when I discovered manifestation and became fully committed to my self-love transformation journey. I knew that deep down, I could never be happy settling, and that there had to be another way. After all, if there are other women who are lucky in love and found their soulmate, then WHY NOT ME?

And if you found this page, then I’m asking you - WHY NOT YOU?


And that brings me to my Signature Love Energetics Method - this is the exact journey I took myself on to from single, with a history of toxic relationships, feeling completely unfulfilled with dating, to completely transforming my dating life and manifesting my soulmate…who is now my fiancé!


In my 1:1 coaching program, I will take you through this foolproof method - and because it is 1:1, I’ll make sure to COMPLETELY TAILOR IT TO YOU. No matter where you are at in your love life.


Schedule your free coaching call

Does this sound like you? 

  • You fear that you’ll end up alone and never find “the one”
  • You struggle with attracting the same type of low quality men that are narcissistic, emotionally unavailable, or inconsistent
  • You put the man you are dating up on a pedestal
  • You’re tired of repeating the same toxic relationship patterns and starting back at square one
  • You struggle with letting go of past relationship heartbreak and feel lost on how to heal and truly move on

Well, Just Imagine If...

  • You finally meet “the one” - the deep, passionate love you’ve always dreamed of 
  • You get to experience life with your ride or die - your best friend and lover that has your back no matter what
  • You finally feel truly seen, understood and safe
  • You experience the easy and effortless type of relationship where everything just clicks and being on the same page is natural
  • You win the dating game and became one of the girls that is lucky in love
Limited Time Offer - Schedule Your Free Coaching Call Today!


(Look at you - becoming lucky already!) because I have a couple coaching spots left to take on some new clients this month.

The Love Energetics 1:1 Coaching Experience ♡

A proven system to take you from lost, frustrated and stuck in your dating life to becoming lucky in love - experiencing a complete 180 transformation in your dating life, and getting you on the fast track to attracting your soulmate.

Areas of Focus I Specialize In:

Heal & Rebuild

Heal from past relationships & trauma, clear toxic dating patterns or leave an unfulfilling relationship.

Empowered Dating

Learn how to casually date with confidence, thrive in your single girl era, and attract high quality men while receiving princess treatment

Manifest Your Soulmate

How to manifest your ideal partner and dream relationship

Self-Love Mastery

Putting yourself as the focus - this will elevate all areas of your life! Also for being in a relationship you are fulfilled in but feel old patterns/self-sabotage creeping in

What is the Love Energetics Method? 

Love Energetics is the signature method I created that took me from being single, unhealed, repeating toxic relationship patterns and attracting low quality men to becoming LUCKY IN LOVE. I did a complete 180 in my love life, started experiencing better dating experiences with high quality men, and ultimately attracted my soulmate who I am now engaged to.

Self-Love mastery is the foundation - but it also involves Universal Laws, Energetic Principles, Psychology & Neuroscience. I paved a new way of becoming lucky in love. I threw out all the old traditional dating advice, and created my own guiding principles that have allowed myself and my clients to go from an unfulfilling dating life with low quality men & experiences - to being a magnet for high quality men, princess treatment and living out your dream love life - whatever that is for you, it is possible and I am SO excited to help you create it!

By utilizing energetic principles and universal laws, I guide you through my new age dating advice in my coaching curriculum. This allows you to be the most authentic version of yourself, feel like the best version of yourself (high self-love, worthiness & confidence = positive self-concept) and naturally become a magnet to the best dating experiences, highest quality of men and ultimately attract your soulmate and dream relationship.

Schedule Your First Coaching Call Now to Ensure You Claim One of the Last Spots!


The Deets. Here's what options you can choose from:

30-Day Package

4 Sessions

60-minutes each. Weekly.

  • Unlimited texts and/or emails for the duration of the package to ensure you have the support you need in-between sessions 

90-Day Package

12 Sessions

60-minutes each. Weekly.

  • Unlimited texts and/or emails for the duration of the package to ensure you have the support you need in-between sessions

6-Month Package

24 Sessions

60 minutes each. Weekly. Inquire for Bi-Weekly 6-Month Option

  • Unlimited texts and/or emails for the duration of the package to ensure you have the support you need in-between sessions
  • When you fill out the coaching application and we meet during our first introductory call, we can discuss which package makes the most sense for you based on your goals and what areas of focus you are interested in transforming
  • Depending on which package you select and what your goals and areas of focus are, I will create a custom Love Energetics curriculum uniquely tailored for you!
  • This is an extremely high-touch program - one of the most supportive coaching programs you will find out there. I am committed to helping you reach your desired transformation.

Hi! I'm Marea.

I am a manifestation & mindset expert who specializes in relationships and self-image. I'm passionate about health & wellness and love to help others create positive transformations in their lives. I started MareaManifests to help women cultivate self-love, transform their love life, and attract their soulmate. I created my signature Love Energetics formula, which focuses on self-love as the foundation and center of my work. This not only allows women to transform their love life, but extends into all areas of life so that my clients can live the life they daydream about.

Read My Story

Client Testimonials

"After completing my coaching sessions with Marea, I feel a noticeable difference in my everyday life. The sessions helped me reach a very important goal of relocating to New York City as well as regaining confidence in myself."

Michelle C.

"I found Marea's coaching style very valuable and unique. She made everything highly personalized to the my needs. As someone that loves a to-do list or to check things off as complete, Marea took note of this and helped create an alignment tracker to mark down when I complete each of my manifestation tasks for the day. This helped me complete all of the steps as well as keep track of my progress." 

Kendra F.

This is DEFINITELY for you if...


 - You’re ready to take full control over your life and begin your self-love transformation

- You refuse to settle in love and are willing to believe that manifesting your soulmate is a possibility for you (even if you don’t fully believe it yet)

- You no longer want to experience frustration, confusion and heartbreak while dating

- You are committed to putting in the work during and outside of the coaching calls to finally get the amazing love life you deserve

- You are willing to do things differently than you have done before to experience different (and better results)

- You have an open to mind to learning new strategies and are willing to trust the process and have faith, even when things get uncomfortable



Ok I'm Ready - Sign Me Up!

Frequently Asked Questions

Email me at [email protected] if you have a question that is not listed below.